(706) 406-4249

Who We Are

Gayle Ely’s Facebook posting - "I’m inspired by Rene Flagg"

We would like to  introduce you to a Non-Profit Christian Ministry named “True Identity House of Refuge (TIHR).”


The Founder and Executive Director is Rene' Flagg, a retired nurse of over 35 years.  She sees a great need for women (who are the nucleus of our society!) to be renewed and refreshed in our emotional, psychological and spiritual health in order to be the “best” of who we “truly” are. Our organization will allow women to become confident of their true identity in Christ, which establishes a spiritual mindset that overcomes the “ills” of what society and personal events of life have placed on us.


Therefore, helping women know that it is God's View of You that is your Haven!

What is Our Mission?

The mission of True Identity House of Refuge (TIHR) is to provide a haven for women over 21 years of age who are spiritually, emotionally or psychologically wounded to find healing through BIBLICAL counseling.

Our Vision

Our vision is to help women to know their true identity in Jesus Christ with a new understanding of God’s plan for their lives.

Our Statement of Faith



  • We believe that Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments in their original texts are the Word of God and are fully inspired by the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that there is one God and on mediator between God and men the man Jesus Christ.

  • We believe in the absolute deity and full humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, the authenticity of His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His present mediatorial work in heaven.

  • We believe the Holy Spirit is used to empower and comfort all believers.

  • We believe that mankind was originally created sinless. Tempted by Satan mankind sinned and thereby brought every human being under the condemnation of the penalty of death.

  • We believe that mankind is Redeemed and Forgiven through Christ shed blood and Saved by His Resurrected Life.

  • We believe that the Church is the Spiritual Body of Jesus Christ composed of all true believers. It's present work encourages believers to gather together to worship God and be taught from HIS WORD for the education and maturing of the saints. Becoming an example of true love to the world.

  • We believe in the personal and bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ to complete our salvation and establish His glorious Kingdom on Earth.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to instruct and disciple women in a safe environment so they may learn to live fruitful lives with changed attitudes about themselves, God and others.


TRUTH and HOPE True Identity House of Refuge offers for WOMEN who are hurting.
True Identity House of Refuge’s symbol is the lotus flower. Some of our life’s experiences might be like that of a lotus flower, which can be dark, dirty and difficult to see a future. Yet, once we accept God’s unconditional love, we can open up and truly live a fulfilling life.

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